You Can Help Your Criminal Attorney Defend Your Case In A Variety Of Ways

Hiring an Arizona criminal defense lawyer for your case is the first thing you must do when getting arrested and charged with a crime. Criminal law is just too complex for an ordinary person to handle on his or her own. Specialized skills and knowledge are needed to present pieces of evidence and convince the court that you should be cleared of charges.
However, hiring an excellent Phoenix criminal attorney isn’t enough. It’s a two-way relationship, meaning your lawyer needs your help as much as you need his or hers en route to arguing your case.
There are several ways you can help.
Remain Silent
“You have the right to remain silent.” It’s a popular statement that you definitely must follow. While emotions can make you want to pour out everything to anyone you talk to after the incident, it’s necessary to keep your mouth shut. Anything you say can be used against you. The only person you can be fully open to is your lawyer, since you have attorney-client privileges. Everything you share with your lawyer is confidential.
Let Your Lawyer Handle Your Case
Worries can make you feel that your criminal lawyer isn’t doing enough and that you have a better way of doing things. When this happens, you risk creating more harm than good. It’s best to trust your lawyer in managing your case. Listen to his or her instructions. If ever you have concerns, don’t hesitate to discuss them with your lawyer, but refrain from taking control of your criminal defense strategy; it should be teamwork.
Give Your Lawyer Time to Respond During Conversations
Many clients don’t realize they are speaking in long narratives because of their intense emotions. This prevents your lawyer from responding to what you’re saying in a way that you can understand. Try to open your mind and let your lawyer speak. Listen and process what the attorney says, instead of simply hearing their words without truly considering their opinions.
Provide Clear Answers
Listen intently to what your lawyer is asking. This is the only way you can provide clear answers. When you answer a question, make it concise. And when there’s a follow-up to it, then you have a chance to expound on the details. Keep in mind that the questions your lawyer throws at you are relevant in your case; they wouldn’t be asking the questions if they were not necessary.
Share Details About Witnesses
Witnesses are vital to your defense strategy. If you remember anyone who saw or heard something, then you must share this information with your lawyer. Provide their names, contact details, or description. Let your lawyer find the witnesses instead of going after them yourself. Lawyers have a team of people trained in gathering testimonies from witnesses, so, don’t do it on your own without consulting your lawyer first.
Be Honest
Last but not least, be honest. It’s the most important thing you should do when working with your criminal defense lawyer. Lies and half-truths can damage your case and make your lawyer look unreliable. When your lawyer finds out the truth in the middle of a hearing, they might lose credibility in front of the court, putting you at a higher risk of conviction. No matter how ugly and uncomfortable the truth is for you, it’s necessary to share it with your lawyer so that they can help you in the best possible way. No matter how incredible your criminal lawyer is, he or she will still be unable to defend you properly if you don’t cooperate. This is also why you should choose a lawyer with whom you are comfortable.