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Frequently Asked Questions


What is a sobriety test?

Impaired driving will require a sobriety test which is a chemical test to determine intoxication. This test is specifically to determine Blood Alcohol Concentration at the time of infraction. All suspected impaired drivers must submit to a sobriety test. Refusing to do so may result in an immediate suspension of your license for a year or longer.

Are all DWIs the Same?

A DWI is a serious allegation that holds three levels of convictions recognized by the law. These include traditional DWI, extreme DWI, and aggravated DWI. Charges and penalties may vary. All sentences carry fines, jail time, and certified ignition interlock systems.

What Happens with DWI Convictions?

A DWI conviction can cause significant problems now and in the future. Work with the lawyer dedicated to getting you the best outcome possible to minimize these problems. Convictions depend on the specifics of your case, but include fines, jail time, license suspension, or a costly ignition interlock device.

Criminal Defense

What should I do after I have been arrested?

If you’ve been arrested, write down everything that happened in as much detail as possible. Record the date and time for your next court appearance. Contact an attorney if you’d like private representation.

How quickly can my criminal case be resolved?

The speed a court can resolve your case depends on the complexity and type of charge. Due to witnesses and large amounts of disclosure, complex issues will result in longer delays. Your instructions will impact case resolution too. For example, a guilty plea will take less time than not guilty but may have stiff consequences.

What is a misdemeanor? What is a felony?

A misdemeanor is any crime with a maximum penalty of a $2,000.00 fine and one year in jail. A felony is a crime carrying a potential sentence of at least one year and one day in prison.

Domestic Violence and Assault

What constitutes domestic violence in Arizona?

Domestic violence encompasses a variety of charges but often requires some level of violence or physical harm against someone you are close to. Most often, these include family members, an ex-spouse or partner, individuals living in the same household, or community members.

Are there different types of assault charges?

Assault and battery charges can result in either a misdemeanor or felony conviction. Assault charges include assault with a deadly weapon, sexual assault, verbal assault, or aggravated assault. Laws are complex and vary significantly, depending on the initial arrest.

What Should I Do If I’m Charged?

If you’re charged with domestic violence or assault, contact an attorney as soon as possible. Write down everything that happened, including locations, dates, and times. If there were any witnesses, include that information in your notes. Take photographs of any injuries and save any videos or phone messages to an outside source. Your Arizona Lawyer is available 24/7 to take your call and tell you everything you need to start building your case.