Your Arizona Lawyer Blog

Criminal Lawyer Warns Of Social Media Posts And Banter That Can Jeopardize Your Case

By Your Arizona Lawyer on December 1, 2017

Front view of a businessman using digital tablet with many glowing people icons coming out of it. Conceptual of social distancing and social media interactions.

Social media is now almost synonymous to freedom of speech. You can post almost anything you want on it while feeling a sense of security and privacy. However, social media is also a powerful source of information that investigators and prosecutors access and utilize nowadays. In fact, a study shows that 81% of law enforcement officials use social media in their investigations.

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Posted in: Criminal Defense

Should You Call A Lawyer If Bitten By A Dog?

By Your Arizona Lawyer on December 12, 2016

Dogs are commonly known as “man’s best friend,” but the truth of the matter is that they are still animals. Many dogs lack the proper training around humans and some have simply been subjected to abuse. Even dogs that are well trained can injure people with enough provocation.

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Posted in: Criminal Defense